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St Faith St Martin Church of England Junior School

Is the school a Church of England, Methodist or joint denomination school?

We are a Church of England, local authority maintained, voluntary controlled junior school.

What is the number of pupils on roll?

We have approximately 350 pupils on roll.

How is the school leadership structured and organised?

In a voluntary controlled junior school, school leadership is structured similarly to other primary schools. The headteacher is responsible for the day-to-day running of the school, with support from deputy headteachers and other senior leaders. The governing body, which includes representatives from the local church, has overall responsibility for the school's management and direction.

The local authority in voluntary controlled has overall responsibility, with governor input, over the appointment of staff and is responsible for the maintenance of the school's buildings.

Additionally, the church affiliated with the school - St Faith's Church - provides support, advice, or guidance on issues related to the school's Christian character.

What characterises the school’s pupil profile, and the community within which it is situated and/or that it serves? For example, how ethnically, culturally, and socially diverse is the community? And, what are the educational needs of pupils?

The St Faith & St Martin Church of England Junior School's pupil profile is diverse, with a mix of genders, race, and ethnicity, and students with different religious and cultural backgrounds. The school community is committed to fostering a nurturing and inclusive learning environment and promoting Christian values of kindness, respect, and service. The school's wider community is diverse, with families from different ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds.

The educational needs of pupils at St Faith & St Martin Church of England Junior School, Lincoln are wide-ranging, reflective of its diverse student population. These educational needs include:

1. Meeting individualised learning needs - the school has a range of students with different abilities and learning styles, and it is important to tailor learning experiences and teaching approaches to suit students' individual needs.


2. Developing foundational knowledge and skills - the school's curriculum aims to help students develop strong foundations in key subject areas such as English, math, science, and religious education.


3. Encouraging creativity and independent thinking – the school seeks the development of student creativity and encourages individual and independent modes of learning.


4. Fostering emotional and social development - the school places a strong emphasis on supporting pupils' personal, social, and emotional development, to help them grow into well-rounded individuals.


5. Promoting cultural awareness and sensitivity - through its diverse student population, the school seeks to promote an understanding of and respect for different cultures and beliefs.


6. Developing digital literacy - the school recognises the importance of technology in modern-day learning and equips students with the necessary skills to effectively navigate a digital landscape.


To meet these needs, the school provides a broad academic curriculum, pastoral care programs, extracurricular activities, and other support and enrichment programs, to enhance learning and promote holistic development.

What church and DBE partnerships does the school have?

The school works with the St Faith Church team, who also look after St Swithins Church community, and we work together to hold regular church services for the community - as well as collective worship in school.

We work very closely with the Lincoln Diocese Board of Education and our Headteacher has sat on this board as a member for a number of years.

At the local church school's conference in 2023, the school's collective worship council were asked to lead worship at the start of the conference reflecting the invitational, inclusive and inspiring nature of our collective worship at school.

Does the school have any other links or partnerships?

We work closely with the local infant church school to promote the life of our local church and ensure transition from one church school to the other is a positive experience. The school is also the East Midlands East Maths Hub Lincolnshire Base and we hold a variety of training events for schools across Lincolnshire to attend.

The school also liaises with many other church schools across the diocese to share best practice and promote excellent church school education.