We pride ourselves on our smart and comfortable uniform that provides the basis for an outstanding day at school.
School uniform should be affordable and avoid any unnecessary additional costs to families. Our PTA run a 'second-chance' uniform stall once a term for parents to purchase items ready to reuse, with most items priced at £1. Do contact the school office if we can help at all in supporting school uniform.
• grey or black trousers, skirt or pinafore;
• white blouse or polo shirt;
• blue cardigan, jumper or sweatshirt;
• blue and white dress (generally a summer option);
• grey or black knee length shorts (generally a summer option);
• white t-shirt and black shorts for indoor PE;
• sweatshirt, jogging trousers and training shoes/plimsolls for outdoor PE.
All children should wear sensible black school shoes, not coloured trainers. Only earrings of a close-fitting type may be worn. No other style is allowed for your child’s own safety. Only one earring in each lobe is allowed and these should be removed for PE. Watches may be worn as their use is considered beneficial in learning how to tell the time, however, they should be removed for all physical activity. Hair decorations should be discreet and be in the school colours. We encourage all pupils with long hair to have this tied back neatly - this can help prevent any spread of head lice. A useful website with more information about headlice can be found here: https://www.healthforkids.co.uk/illness/head-lice/
To ensure the smooth running of our classes we ask you to ensure that all your child’s items of clothing are labelled clearly with their name.
School uniform can also be purchased online and delivered to school or home by clicking on one of the providers listed below:
Price Buckland Uniform Supplier